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Women in wars, by Pauline.

Women played importantparts during WW1 and WW2. Many of them became nurses to look after the soldiers who were wounded.

They also had to do the hard works on the farms while their husbands or their fathers were at war.

Many women developed a lot of skills in mechanics . Others acted in secret to give information to the soldiers and becames spies. Others helped to hide Jewish children from the nazis...

They are just a model for us.

Suzanne Spaak

She was born on the 6 of July 1905 in Brussels and she died on the 12 of August 1944 in Paris. She participated in the Resistance against Nazism. She rescued children and worked for the underground National Movement against Racism.

Marie-Louise Dissard

She belonged to a Resistance network in Toulouse called " Françoise".At first  she just transmitted important information, like many women, but  later she joined another network and she helped American and British pilots to go to England.

As an elderly person the Germans did not suspect her to work for the Resistancee but when she was uncovered, she had to hidein several places.

she saved more than 250  allied airmen.



Here she was awarded the American Medal of Freedom.


Genevieve de Gaulle Anthonioz 19920-2002

She was General De Gaulle's niece.

She was also a French Resistant against the Nazis and she was deported to Ravensbrück in Germany.

She also entered The Panthéon on 27th May 2015.

Germaine Tillion 1907- 2008

She was a Resistant during WW2 .

She had many diplomas. She was an ethnologist. She was deported during WW2 to Ravensbrück.

She entered the Pantheon in 27 My 2015.

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