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Top 10 inventions by women

that changed the world,

by Teodora

If you ask the pupils in schools if they know any names of inventors, they will say:

Graham Bell: the telephone,

Edison: electricity and the cinema,

Nicéphore Nièpce: photography


But if you ask: do you know any women who invented things, the answer is: er... no,...



Grace Murray Hopper,  was born on 9 decembe  1906 in  New York and she died on 1st  January 1992.

She was an American mathematician and informatician and Rear Admiral in the American Navy,

in 1951 she invented th first compilor (A-0 System) and  langage COBOL language  in 1959.


The 21st century owes a lot to her invention.

And it was done by a woman !




Josephine Cochrane

She was born on the 8 th of march 1839 in ohio and she died on the 3 rd of august 1913 . She invented the dish-washer


Ada lovelace was born on the 10 th of december 1815 in London and she died on the 27 th of November 1852.

She created the first informatics programme and she worked on the first calculator .

Ada lovelace

Women who changed the world

Nobel Prize awards in science

The following video shows women who were awarded the Nobel Prize in science.

It shows the rate between women and men and of course there are fewer women than men.

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